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Slow juicer LL-60

Commercial low-speed juice extractor.

Equipped witn a 60 - 70 rpm motor, allows continuous use of up to 15 min.
Made of BPA-free materials.

Low speed juice extractor to extract fruit and vegetable juices keeping the vitamins and all the nutritional food value.

Equipped with powerful motor and a considerable extracting force. This makes the appliance ideal for bars, restaurants and establishments conscious of the benefits of slow juicing.

Equipped with motor protector safety thermostat.

All removable parts are dishwasher-safe.

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Specifications Sheet

Speed (RPM): 60-70
Hopper diameter:75 mm

Vermogen: 240 W

Externe afmetingen

  • Breed: 120 mm
  • Diep: 230 mm
  • Hoog: 370 mm

Nettogewicht: 7.2 kg

Crated dimensions
330 x 362 x 410 mm

Product Sheet

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