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Needle probe for sous-vide cookers

To get to the heart of the product.

For SmartVide.

Allows the user to track temperature of the product throughout the entire cooking cycle.

Temperature range: 5ºC - 95ºC (41-203ºF)

Lenght of 80 mm (3.15 in)

NSF-listed in combination with the immersion circulator SmartVide 5 / 7 / 9 / X / XL.


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Specifications Sheet

Nauwkeurigheid display: 0.1ºC
Rang: 5ºC - 95ºC

Resolutie: 1'
Duur cyclus(s): 1' - 99 h

Algemene eigenschappen

Elektrische voeding: / / 1~

Product Sheet

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