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Cutter function

Compact design and commercial performance

Multiple functions in seconds

Use the cutter function to cut, grind, mix, knead or emulsify any product, in seconds.

  • 4.4 litre food processing bowl:The K/KE food processors and CK combis are available with a 4.4 litre capacity bowl equipped with a high pipe and can grind, mix, knead... 2.5 kg of product, in seconds.
  • Superior blending quality: Both the blades and the stirrers have been carefully designed to achieve superior blending quality. Thanks to the inverted blade and the lateral stirrers, a smooth, homogeneous and uniform blending is achieved.

Maximum comfort

  • Invert-blade technology

    Rotor with a reversed-edge blade.

  • Bowl with lateral stirrers

    They prevent the product from
    accumulating on the walls of the
    bowl, without the need for
    operator intervention.

  • Cutting blades for each need

    As standard with a rotor with toothed blades.


  • Opening for adding ingredients

    Ingredients can be added during the cycle.

  • Lid equipped with gasket

    It prevents the products from
    overflowing during the cycle.

  • Bowl with ergonomic handle

    It allows the bowl to be held and
    positioned comfortably with
    one hand.

 ULTRA Range 

The variable speed models have brushless technology and an advanced control panel. Very intuitive to use, the panel on these cutters offers all the information at a glance. The user therefore has maximum control of the cutting.

  • Brushless technology: Maximum efficiency. Brushless technology is synonymous with optimum performance at any speed.
  • Speed selection: The available speed range enables the machine to be adapted to the product being processed.
  • Advanced timer: The ULTRA models are equipped with a timer that enables them to work for a predefined time, with the time remaining visible at all times.

Built-in programmes and program customization

The machine has three special programmes: dense texture, fine texture and chunky texture.

In addition to the three built-in programmes on the machine, the KE-4V cutter allows the user to create up to 9 custom programs. In this way, by combining different speeds and different times, the user can standardize their own recipes to always obtain the same result automatically and without being aware of the machine.

 ACTIVE Range 

The one-speed models have very simply designed control panels for highly intuitive use. They have powerful asynchronous ventilated motors that offer the highest performance at fixed speeds.


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